Stepparent Adoption Scottdale lawyer


Henderson Law Offices located in Scottdale, PA focuses on Stepparent Adoption

We have handled many successful cases.  A stepparent who wants to “formally” become mom or dad is who this process is for.  A Stepparent Adoption can be one of the most gratifying and emotional events for the entire family, especially for the child being adopted.  Please contact us at our Scottdale, PA office if you are interested in Stepparent Adoption.

The firm has experience in Stepparent Adoption.

The firm has experience in these matters and can help clients through the entire process.  Some of the steps involved include:

  • Getting the consent from the other birth parent or terminating their rights, if necessary
    • Locating the birth parent and serving them paperwork
    • Having a formal hearing, if necessary
  • Filing the proper adoption paperwork and forms
  • Having a formal hearing to finalize the adoption

This process is sometimes very challenging especially if the birth parent who is not part of the child’s life is not cooperative.  Unfortunately, the firm has experience in these matters and can help stepparent clients do all that is necessary to prove due diligence in locating birth parents, including but not limited to publishing public notices in the classified section of the newspaper.

There are benefits to Adopting a child

Adopting a child in no small feat.  Stepparents who a love and care for their step child as their own are ideal potential candidates for adoption.   If you are considering adopting a stepchild, the following are some benefits to doing so:

  • The adopted child receives a message of love and a sense of being wanted;
  • The adopted child may have a further sense of stability and security;
  • Your adopted child would be treated the same under the law as if he/she were your biological child.
  • You would have the ability to make legal decisions and be involved in more of the adopted child’s life such as medical decisions and school issues.
  • You would be making you family “official” in the eyes of the law

Please contact Henderson Law Offices at 724-887-4544. You can also contact us online to set up your free initial consultation with our lawyer in our Scottdale office.



Family Law

Practice Areas

Adoption is the act of establishing a person as parent to one who is not in fact or in law their child.

Types of Adoptions in Pennsylvania

  1. Entity adoptions through an agency or intermediary
  2. Stepparent adoptions
  3. Kinship adoptions
  4. Adult adoptions

Initially, The usual first step in an adoption proceeding is to either voluntarily or involuntarily terminate the parental rights of the biological parent(s).  A voluntary consent occurs when a biological parent surrenders his or her rights to the child.   An involuntary termination occurs when the court determines through creditable evidence that the parent has abused, abandoned, or neglected the child or otherwise failed to protect their parental rights.  Usually, In adult adoptions, the consent of the biological parent(s) is not necessary, only proof of notice.

A successful adoption is usually a happy occasion.  Our office has experience in handling successful adoptions in both Westmoreland and Fayette Counties and we offer a free consultation to anyone interested in our services. Contact us today.

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Useful links for anyone considering Adoption

Pennsylvania Statewide Adoption & Permanency Network

Pennsylvania State Adoption Assistance Program

The Collaboration of Adopt Us Kids


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