Serving Pennsylvania and Florida
Statewide Links
- The Florida Statutes
- The Florida Constitution
- Laws of Florida (newly enacted)
- The Florida Rules (Civil, Judicial Administration, Probate, Small Claims, Appeals, Family Law)
- The Florida Jury Instructions
- Florida Division of Corporations
- Florida Division of Business Professional Regulation
- The Florida Bar
- Florida E-portal
Federal Court Links
State Court Links
- Florida Supreme Court
- First District Court of Appeals(1st, 2nd, 3rd, 8th and 14th Circuits)
- Second District Court of Appeals (6th, 12th, and 13th Circuits)
- Third District Court of Appeals (11th and 16th Circuits)
- Fourth District Court of Appeals (15th, 17th and 19th Circuits)
- Fifth District Court of Appeals (4th, 5th, 7th, and 18th Circuits)
- Sixth District Court of Appeals (9th, 10th and 20th Circuits)
- Appellate Case Search
County Links
Palm Beach County(15th Judicial Circuit)
Broward County (17th Judicial Circuit)
Miami-Dade (11th Judicial Circuit)
General Links to all Florida Counties